Friday, August 14, 2015

When Life Gives you Anchovies...

Just cover them up with extra cheese and make a pizza! Song...

We are thankful for a couple of stable days! The goal of this post is only to continue good feelings. Babies are on the right track currently, and we are hoping that they stay that way. Ender's face has started to be less swollen and he is looking cuter by the day. We are employing cautious optimism. He still has a long road ahead, but the status since Sunday makes our eyes water with happiness.

Ender started feeds today at 4 ml of breast milk via feeding tube. We are hopeful that he will take a huge shit over the next couple of days! (sorry for the language Grandma!) Rooney took the feeding tube and pulled it all the way out of her stomach today! Yay Rooney! Unfortunately you are still too young to swallow! The nurse put the tube back in and continued her 12 ml of breast milk. She has been pooping, all systems appear to be ok. We have been holding Rooney over the last couple days, she whines and complains until she hits your skin. Ender will hopefully be extubated tomorrow and we are looking forward to holding him and doing skin to skin.

Thank you thank you thank you for the good vibes and kind works. We literally could not survive this without you! Here is the reason you have been reading these posts!


Premies can't control their eyes yet!


The Creation of Rooney


  1. !!!!!
    Yes, keep the pics coming! We love to see them! (3 weeks old today)

  2. Yay! The Scommegna/Nelson clan read this post over breakfast. So glad to read the news. Also, a great choice of 30 rock song.

  3. I can't believe how expressive the babies are already! It's wonderful to hear that everyone is doing okay, you guys included. Also, super great picture captions, Atlee.

  4. They are looking so great! I've been following these kiddos since before they arrived, thanks to my husband:) We are thinking of you daily and cheering these feisty gingers on as I type this. The only way out is through. Keep going, little ones (and big ones)!!!
