Sunday, August 9, 2015


I'm going to start with Ender, because a lot has happened since my last post. On Friday, he had an MRI of his brain that showed some concerning items. There was evidence that he had a mild stroke which caused very small amount of damage deep in his right brain. We spoke with a neurologist who said that the area around the damage looked unaffected and that the damage would probably clear by the next MRI. The other thing they found which is more troubling, is that Ender has a blood clot in one of the main drainage vessels in his brain. Currently, blood is draining through other vessels from his brain and is not currently causing any swelling or pressure, though the attending thinks there will be soon. Ender is too young and small to get any blood thinners or anti clot medication as they pose a big risk of bleeding. Due to this risk, we are hoping that the clot does not grow or spread. To further the stress of the situation, Ender had a seizure last night around 7 pm. There are multiple different factors at play, we are mainly just waiting for him to have another MRI to see what is to come. Please keep Ender in your thoughts, he is in a hard place right now.

Fortunately there are no updates on Rooney. She is doing well and is stable. She gained 93 grams yesterday, which is almost 1/15 of her body weight! There is a double room open here at Children's. We are championing getting her moved today, hopefully it will happen.





  1. Thank you for sharing - we are praying daily for these littles!!!

  2. Many many prayers offered for you and for your blessed wee babes!!! May the trajectory and prognosis for Ender continue to improve. Love and hugs.

  3. Always thinking about those two! Especially Ender right now... it's going to turn around for him! He's a fighter! Take care of yourselves too - you have so much on your shoulders. Love you guys! aunt joan
