Monday, September 21, 2015

Shots Shots Shots Shots Shot-Shots Shots...Everybody

Hello Again!

I would like to start out by apologizing for not posting sooner and for the long post. I will incorporate pictures in between text to make it more interesting. A lot has happened in the last 2 weeks, but if you looked in our Children's hospital room, you wouldn't think so.

Vaccines - Since we heard that vaccines are harmful, we decided to let our children decide whether or not to get their Shots. Surprisingly, against all credible medical advice, Ender and Rooney decided to get their shots. They immediately regretted their decision. Their cries temporarily drowned out the volunteer harpist who was playing in the lounge outside their door. They were tough though and handled all 3 shots each! We cuddled them and promised them as much screen time and sugar they want when they are older;)


1. Brain - He had an MRI last Monday. It showed that the blood clot in his brain had not grown. There is still puss in his ventricles, though they are dead infected cells and will eventually drain. Libby and I watched him obsessively for the next 5 days, asking nurses, NPs, and Attendings paranoid and sometimes ridiculous questions about any little change we saw in him. We found out today that if there was any infection in his brain left, Ender would be obviously sick within 24-48 hours. We were very relieved to hear this news, and can now focus on the next tasks at hand.

Yes, that is "Blue Steel", soon to be male model.

2. Lungs - Ender has had his Nasal Canula (set on the lowest possible setting) removed 2 times over the last 2 weeks. He did very well for about 24 hours each time, but eventually started having desaturations/apneas and needed assistance once again. The Attending gave him a week long break and we will try again starting this Wednesday.

3. Tum-Tum (3 Ninjas reference intended) - Ender is still working on his bottle feeds. He was not very good at coordinating suck/swallow/breath and the Attending thought he would do well with a week long break. Today he started up again and did okay but not great. If he doesn't improve soon, he may need a swallow study and need thickened formula for the next 2 months to ensure he is not swallowing breastmilk into his lungs. We obviously do not want this as he would be on formula for the next 2 months instead of Momilk:) 

He obviously couldn't care less

4. Teenage Sleep Schedule - For the last 3 days, Ender slept almost all day. It was something that was worrying us, like maybe his meningitis was coming back. Everyday we would get a report from the night nurse that he was up and awake at night. We decided to spend a night at the hospital to see if this was true. Holy Crap! Ender was up and crying and wanting to be held for half the night, good practice for when they come home!

5. Water Weight - Ender has also been put on a diarrhetic to help him lose some of his excess water weight. It has been working!

Before (Turtle Boy) and After


Over the last 4 days, Rooney decided she wanted to start eating from the bottle. She has increased the average feed from about 5 ml to 25 ml. It is nice to feed her ourselves and watch her progression. She needs to get up to 45 ml per feed for a sustained period in order to come home. She still has a lot of work to do, but we are so proud of her so far!

"How can I reech these keeds?"

On Sunday we walked into the room during a Steelers game. The nurses found out we moved to Pitt and decided we needed to raise our kids the Yinzer Way.

Rooney however, quickly responded saying she was Vikings 4 Life

Enders getting big


(Bonus: Puzzle #2 "Who's Butt" was removed from the post due to Libby finding it too crude I'll send you the pic if you email me)

Are you guys still here? Post is over!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Puzzle #1: Find the Poop

Hello Everyone!

I would like to start by saying thank you for the meals, gifts, and love, so many people have shown us. It's great to know people like us, but its knowing that our babies are loved that makes us the happiest!

Bringing our babies home is the goal that is on our minds everyday. Being at home at night is the worst. Watching Ender's Game on our couch is cool, but it would be so much better with Ender on our lap. Watching Wayne Rooney run around the pitch with a hair transplant is great, but it would be so much better cuddling Rooney!

Ender has 9 days left on his antibiotics. He will have an MRI 2 days before the end to ensure the infection is fully cleared from his ventricles. If infection is still present, he will continue antibiotics until clear. He is still on the lowest possible setting on his nasal cannula. We believe he will be off breathing assistance soon.

Both Ender and Rooney had eye exams yesterday, both showing no change, which is good. They both started working on bottle feeding after a weekend break. The Occupational Therapist said that they are on the right track, its just going to take some time.

We have been enjoying holding, kissing, and changing our babies. They pump out 3 things: crying, poop, and lots and lots of cuteness!!!

Puzzle #1: Find the Poop (Hint at the bottom of the post)

A visit from Uncle Isaac!

Ermahgerd! Cuddling Babies!


Just a moment Please!




 Heyyy Guuuyyyy

Cut it out Ma!

 Ginger Power.

Puzzle #1 Hint: Almost all the poop landed in the garbage:)

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Tiny Burritos

Hello Again!

Things have been going pretty good, but its getting very hard to sleep at home, knowing our babies are in the hospital. Therefore, I am going to make this brief, because we are going to go sleep there tonight!

I want to start out by saying another thank you to Seana Hollingsworth and Gwen Edwards for a second gift for a second child! has been incredibly generous and warm hearted. It has really left us speechless. Again, thank you.

Ender - Our little boy had a head ultrasound this weekend that made it look as though the pinprick bleeds from earlier had grown. The neurologist on staff on Monday decided that to change his MRI scheduled for the end of September, to Monday. The weekend through Tuesday morning was pretty rough, as we have been making our way towards the edge of the woods. Luckily, on Tuesday at 1 pm, Ender's neurologist came in with a smile and said that the MRI showed no clot growth nor damage to his brain. We were also happy the to hear that the pus in his ventricles had reduced, showing that the antibiotics have been doing their job.

Ender also had an eye exam today which showed that his left eye went from a stage 2 to stage 3 (on a scale of 5) retinal detachment. He will get another exam next week, hopefully without progression, because he would then need laser surgery to ensure that his retina does not detach. Also, watching a baby get an eye exam is something I would recommend not ever experiencing. Thats all I'll say about that.

Ender and Rooney have been upgraded from incubators to regular cribs! They are now 35 weeks gestationally, which is around the time they should be able to regulate their own body temperature. This is one of the big things they need to do before they come home. Burritos!!!

Bean and Cheese

Steak and Jalapeño

Ender and Rooney - Another big step to come home is to learn how to suck, swallow, and breath at the same time. They have both started the bottle feeding process with the Occupational Therapists. It has been really slow going. The main concern is that they learn how properly eat without milk going into their lungs. It has been an adorable process:)

We are all in for the long hall. These babies are totally worth it. More Pics:


Grandma and Mom!!

Uncle Long Hair!


Ender - Every time he wakes up, he looks like the grandpa from 3 ninjas because one eye opens more than the other.

Rooney the Pokémon

Hey Guy!!

Oi! Turn out the Light!

Lily's Eyes

Come Home Babies! The Nursery is done! (Curtains will come out once they can grab them)