Friday, July 31, 2015

Rocky Couple of Days

Hello Everyone,

I am going to do an update on Ender and then Rooney.

Wednesday night, Ender started to have frequent Bradycardias about every 2-3 minutes, which is a dip in his heart rate. The nurse at Magee also found some blood in his stool which were both signs of NEC or Necrotizing Enterocolitis. This is when air and gasses are trapped in the lining of the intestines causing infection and holes in the intestines. An Xray was taken of his intestines which showed that he had NEC and it was progressing rapidly. Since the situation was so serious, Ender was immediately intubated, put on 3 types of antibiotics and his feeding was IV only. He was transferred to Children's Hospital in Pittsburgh where he could be closer to Neonatal Surgeons. If his intestine was to rupture, they would have go in and remove the infected portion of the intestine. Ender was placed in a room with constant care in critical condition. Since 6 oclock Thursday evening, he has had 4 Xrays, each slightly better than the previous one. He was put on morphine and had all kinds of blood tests run on him. His platelet count has been really low, so he was given a tranfusion and will recieve a couple blood transfusions as well. We are getting ready for a spinal tap to check to make sure he does not have meningitis. Throughout the constant poking and proding and pulling off of many many stickers, Ender has been a champ. His skin color has improved and he is being incredibly feisty. He remains in critical condition, though we are staying strong. Think about the little guy for us!

Since Ender left Magee, doctors there have been especially vigilant of Rooney. She had a few Bradycardias and was given an Xray which showed a small abnormality in the intestines. She has been put on antibiotics and feeding through the stomach has ceased for her as well. This is a precautionary measure, she has not been diagnosed with NEC, but it is better to be safe than sorry. She is doing well otherwise, also a plenty feisty ginger.

Please do not look up NEC online, it is incredibly scary and not worth thinking about. As requested a couple of pics of our lil g's:

 Ender and Mom
 Ender at Children's

Monday, July 27, 2015

Good day!

Home at last for the first time in 22 days! Libby was discharged today around 6 pm. It was hard saying goodnight to Rooney and Ender, knowing we would not be a floor away, but a few miles instead. We had a good last day at the hospital getting everything in order.

Rooney's blood test this morning showed a drop in bilirubin enough to take her off the blue light. She is currently being fed breast milk via feeding tube which will continue until she learns to suck properly. She gained one gram today which is really good.

Ender is still under the blue light, but it was reduced to low intensity. Hopefully he will be off it tomorrow. He is also being fed via feeding tube until suckage. He has a rash on his foot that the doctors are currently treating with ointment, which is being monitored. We enjoyed being able to change his diaper and take his temperature today. He is a stinker, he peed on Libby's hand! Ender really seems to enjoy sunbathing in this little towel tub under the blue light. We miss seeing his face but he seems content to laze around in his stunner shades:

Rooney had a big day! Due to being off the blue light and having stable vitals (Ender is also stable), Libby was able to do some skin to skin this afternoon. We have been enjoying seeing her face, mask free. We also got to take her temp, wash her eyes and mouth, and change her poopy diaper! It is really nice to be able to touch our kids!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Hello again!

Greetings from Magee Women's Hospital. Rooney and Ender are approaching 72 hours old and are doing well.

Rooney was taken off the ventilator on Saturday evening and is now on a CPAP. She is getting normal air pushed into her nostrils without extra oxygen. This was good news for us as the ventilator can irritate the lungs. Ender is getting the same CPAP settings.

Ender lost a little weight the first day but not any the second. Rooney lost 82 grams total, which is a 2.9 ounces (this should come back up now that they have started eating!). Libby produced enough colostrum for both babies to receive their first 2 meals through feeding tube. They will continue to get colostrum/milk supplemented with formula until Libby is able to produce enough milk for both babies. Like a full term baby, they are feed frequently, every 3 hours.

They were both showing signs of Jaundice (normal for preemie babies), so there were both put under a blue light to eliminate bilirubin in their blood (not sure what that means or does, but it is called phototherapy). They will have their blood tested on Monday and the docs decide whether to remove the lights. When under the lights they get eye shields to block the harsh light on their eyes. One of the nurses drew really cute sunglasses on their eye shields!

Preemie babies normally have a 48 hour honeymoon period in which they do very well early on. We understand that there will be up and down days, but we will stay positive. Things are looking good thus far!

Libby got to change Enders diaper yesterday which felt good. Hopefully she will get to do some skin to skin once the babies get out from under the blue lights. We are looking forward to holding them! We are taking this journey one day at a time. The doctors told us expect the babies to stay in the NICU until they are full term (October 7) but may come home a little earlier.

Again, thank you for your thoughts and kind words! We love each other, you, and especially the two little ones!

-Atlee, Libby, Ender, and Rooney!

And below, what you came here to see! Also, they both love their pacifiers!

Babies Born!

Welcome back to my blog, I'm giving it a little reboot due to the new editions to our family! Hello Everyone! We have good news. You probably already guessed the news from the title but I will fill you in anyhow. Last night around 7:30 Libby started to go into actual labor. She got another epidural put in and we prepared for the most anxious moment of our lives. First baby boy can au natural with his his sister head down following. She decided to get difficult and did some acrobatics and the doctors had to go to C-Section. Baby boy came out doing well breathing wise and was put on a CPAP which goes through the nostrils forcing constant air to keep the lungs open. He has some mouth bubble because some of the air gets pushed out of his mouth. His face is also a little swollen from the birth canal and IV fluids. Bubbles and swelling are normal! Baby girl was a little smaller and had some trouble breathing so they put her on a ventilator which is also normal at 29 weeks. They are both doing well and they are absolutely gorgeous, precious, cut; I'm tearing up just writing this line. Libby is recovering from her surgery but has already got into a wheelchair and visited the babies last night and this morning. She is doing well but needs to sleep! Presenting: Ender Michael Smith Schrock 3.24 lbs (with the blue hat) Ender is a turkish name which means unique Rooney Lu Smith Schrock 2.94 lbs (Ginger!) Rooney is a Norse name that means Red head Thank you everyone for all your support and notes and gifts!