Sunday, July 26, 2015

Babies Born!

Welcome back to my blog, I'm giving it a little reboot due to the new editions to our family! Hello Everyone! We have good news. You probably already guessed the news from the title but I will fill you in anyhow. Last night around 7:30 Libby started to go into actual labor. She got another epidural put in and we prepared for the most anxious moment of our lives. First baby boy can au natural with his his sister head down following. She decided to get difficult and did some acrobatics and the doctors had to go to C-Section. Baby boy came out doing well breathing wise and was put on a CPAP which goes through the nostrils forcing constant air to keep the lungs open. He has some mouth bubble because some of the air gets pushed out of his mouth. His face is also a little swollen from the birth canal and IV fluids. Bubbles and swelling are normal! Baby girl was a little smaller and had some trouble breathing so they put her on a ventilator which is also normal at 29 weeks. They are both doing well and they are absolutely gorgeous, precious, cut; I'm tearing up just writing this line. Libby is recovering from her surgery but has already got into a wheelchair and visited the babies last night and this morning. She is doing well but needs to sleep! Presenting: Ender Michael Smith Schrock 3.24 lbs (with the blue hat) Ender is a turkish name which means unique Rooney Lu Smith Schrock 2.94 lbs (Ginger!) Rooney is a Norse name that means Red head Thank you everyone for all your support and notes and gifts!

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