Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Puzzle #1: Find the Poop

Hello Everyone!

I would like to start by saying thank you for the meals, gifts, and love, so many people have shown us. It's great to know people like us, but its knowing that our babies are loved that makes us the happiest!

Bringing our babies home is the goal that is on our minds everyday. Being at home at night is the worst. Watching Ender's Game on our couch is cool, but it would be so much better with Ender on our lap. Watching Wayne Rooney run around the pitch with a hair transplant is great, but it would be so much better cuddling Rooney!

Ender has 9 days left on his antibiotics. He will have an MRI 2 days before the end to ensure the infection is fully cleared from his ventricles. If infection is still present, he will continue antibiotics until clear. He is still on the lowest possible setting on his nasal cannula. We believe he will be off breathing assistance soon.

Both Ender and Rooney had eye exams yesterday, both showing no change, which is good. They both started working on bottle feeding after a weekend break. The Occupational Therapist said that they are on the right track, its just going to take some time.

We have been enjoying holding, kissing, and changing our babies. They pump out 3 things: crying, poop, and lots and lots of cuteness!!!

Puzzle #1: Find the Poop (Hint at the bottom of the post)

A visit from Uncle Isaac!

Ermahgerd! Cuddling Babies!


Just a moment Please!




 Heyyy Guuuyyyy

Cut it out Ma!

 Ginger Power.

Puzzle #1 Hint: Almost all the poop landed in the garbage:)


  1. Pam and I love reading your blog and seeing pictures. They are both looking wonderful, curious what their weights are these days. Sending good thoughts your and Libbys way!

    1. Ender is 2.87 kg, 6 lbs 5 oz
      Rooney is 2.17 kg, 4 lbs 12 oz

  2. It's September 20, @s! More pictures, please...

  3. So much adorable! Even the tiny poop!
