Sunday, August 23, 2015

Pic (Rooney takes a) Dump 2

Hello again,

I apologize for the time between posts, but the more time between, the better the news. We found out this evening that Ender and Rooney will be moving out of the "Intensive" part of the NICU into the "Feeder/Grower" section. This means that they will have a higher nurse to patient ratio, but also means they don't need as high a level of care. The babies will be transferred to another twin room, apparently with more space than their current one.

Ender keeps pushing forward. He is getting closer to getting off his nasal cannula, he is currently getting humidified room air on low flow. He is on day 18 of 42 of his antibiotics and he is eating 30 ml of breast milk every 3 hours via feeding tube. He now weighs 4 lbs 2 ounces, impressing us everyday! His head ultrasound earlier this week was unchanged, allowing us relax a little more every day and just enjoy spending time with our beautiful babies!

Rooney is no longer using any breathing assistance, which makes her even cuter and makes it much easier for us to hold her! The breast milk she gets fed via feeding tube is now being fortified (increasing the calorie content and added nutrients) to try to get her to gain weight. Fortifying the milk slightly increases the chance of NEC coming back, but at this point, brain development and growth is very important and worth that small risk. Nurses are checking both babies bellies routinely and so far they are tolerating their feeds well.

I got my first real experience as a father this weekend. I was changing Rooney's very fully diaper. As I pulled up her legs up to get under her butt, she shot a perfectly angled fountain of poop over the diaper onto the bed, her legs, and her monitoring leads. It was a mess and she was sitting there looking at me, looking as cute as possible while I changed her diaper and sheets, and the nurse switched out her leads. Hopefully this is not a sign of what is to come when the babies get discharged!

Keep the good vibes coming for both our little Gingers (Libby says Ender isnt, but secretly, I think he is a daywalker)

This is right before Rooney decided to get projectile.

Please don't judge me, I would never use Instagram, these were done by Libby;)

Endy with Mom!


There are those eyes!

With Poppi

Hats from Upper Peninsula

Holding his pacifier!

Tiny Feet!

Rooney is Zonked.

Hi Mom!

Rooney can also hold her pacifier

Zonked again.

Awake again!

Mom with her equality burrito!

First time being held by Grandma!!! Rooney loved it!


0 to 80 years in 2 seconds.

Heyyy buddy!


  1. Yay! Jim has a similar poo story for you:)

  2. Let me know when they're allowed to wear cute swaddles and I'll crank some out:)

  3. They are ABSOLUTELY precious! Thanks so much, Atlee and Libby, for continuing to share your/babies' stories. Sending nothing but love, love love!

  4. Just wait 'till Ender shoots a fountain of pee at you during a change! Those are fun.
    HAPPY ONE MONTH BIRTHDAY to ENDER and ROONEY!!! (They are just TOO cute! Gonna be spoiled rotten.)

  5. Oh they look so good! And I'm so happy for the good care you are all getting xoxo

  6. Looking good prayers from F M C family.
    Dave and Glenda
