Thursday, August 6, 2015


We have Poop! Both Ender and Rooney had poops today. They both still aren't being fed by stomach but they both passed some stool that was made up of shed intestinal cells and stomach juices. Ender's little nugget was especially special because it means his intestines are starting to heal and pass fluid. I apologize to all you weirdos, I didn't get a pic, but it looked like a smaller version of the robber from settlers.

Other than that, the last few days have been pretty uneventful in terms of emotions. Rooney had her CPAP rate turned way down, which seemed to cause some Bradycardias, but were resolved by turning the rate back up, and getting an Xray just to be sure. She has been a little less active over the last 24 hours, hopefully because she is tired from having to breath for 12 hours with a lower CPAP rate.

Ender got extubated, meaning they took him off the vent and he is now on CPAP. He did very well and can now make the cutest little crying noises. I know, I know, enjoy it now, because we won't enjoy it later! Ender also got another Lumbar Puncture today to see if he still has infection in his spinal fluid. We really would like the test to come back negative, as good news is always welcome. His face, knees, and feet remain swollen from the liquids, which only make him cuter!




  1. Woohoo! Poop! Thank you for NOT posting a picture!
    So happy to hear the progress. : )

  2. Hi there Atlee- hopefully you remember me from Faith. Perfectly Ok if you don't; it's been a long time. I ran into you, some other Faith boys, your dad and Tom in the middle of the Boundary Waters once about 13 years ago! We have twins too, 2 fraternal boys, ten years old now, and they had rocky beginnings too. They are bright, happy, healthy kids, but I remember well how very hard and scary that time was. You are all in my thoughts and prayers as you ride this roller coaster. Hopefully in a short time, you will be be home with your plumping up little ones, doing all the things all parents do with their babies. Compared to the NICU time, we found that time at home so much easier and more relaxed. Twin parents also, in my experience and observation, tend to be such great equal partners in sharing the work and the joys of parenthood. Perhaps you have other closer contacts with twins, but if you ever want to talk about any of it, please feel free to contact me.

  3. (I'm Minke Sundseth, since it doesn't seem to show my whole name.)
