Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Pic Dump


So far so good for one week! Status quo is the way to go! A good last week and a quiet weekend has really lifted our spirits, though we are aware we have 2 months til these kids come home..

Ender is currently off the vent as of Monday. The attending warned us that it is not uncommon that premies have trouble and require reintubation. However, Ender has been a champ the last 2 days, going from 3lbs 10oz to 4lbs. He apparently takes after his father and enjoys food, he is up to 20 ml per 3 hours breast milk per day. Ender has been very active, keeping the nurses busy with his poops! Since being extubated, Ender has done a lot of skin to skin. As you will see in the pictures, he has also been getting MUCH needed rest. I cannot express enough how proud of this boy we are, he has been through more than most adults and is only 3 weeks old!

Rooney surprised us today. The tube for her CPAP kept coming out her nose. Nurses were frequently finding her without the tubes, breathing fine. The attending decided to take her off of CPAP and set her to only humidified room air. Rooney is no longer on fluids, only fortified breastmilk (added Iron and Vitamin D). She has been gaining weight slowly but surely, we just wish it was as fast as her brother!

Ender has been getting less puffy as his body fights the meningitis. The two of them are starting to look alike (they both look like babies) in some pictures!

Their Room!

The view from the 8th floor is of downtown Pittsburgh, something like this..

 with mom

 Feeling Relieved...

 Again, making the nurse work for her money

 MUCH needed rest and skin

 Rooney learned early not to take shit from anyone.


Stop messing with me, I'm trying to sleep..


  1. Hurray for the positives!! Keeping the good vibes headed your way.

  2. Woohoo! Go Gingers! Can't wait to meet these guys. They're doing great! : )

  3. So glad to see Rooney got moved to children's! Continuing to send good thoughts everyone's way!
